Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Diamond Rings: Spy With Your Little Eye

Clarity is one of the four C's that impacts the quality of the diamond. It refers to the amount of flaws found in a diamond. These flaws are imperfections caused by mistakes in cutting or that spring up from the original rock. A diamond with poor clarity will have faults that can be easily observed, and may even be seen with the naked eye. They will not look pleasing set in diamond rings, and have low resell value. In contrast, a diamond with great clarity is highly sought after by collectors, and will be a gift of true value to loved ones.

Flaws can be divided into two; external flaws are called blemishes, whereas flaws within the diamond, that can modify its ability to reflect light, are called inclusions. Since inclusions get in the way of a diamond's sparkle, they are more likely to devalue a diamond, but they can also be advantageous. Inclusions can be used to identify individual diamonds as a sort of diamond fingerprint. In this way, you would be able to secure your diamond rings.

Diamonds are graded based on how conspicuous these flaws are. This grading occurs while they are still loose diamonds. There are several gemological organizations worldwide that have developed separate grading systems, although in many cases they are very similar. You should orient yourself with the grading system used in the store where you buy your diamond. When shopping for diamond rings, you will want to assess the clarity of the diamond above anything else. Clarity is one of the main factors used in gauging a diamond's monetary value. It is a standard employed by gemological organizations across the board.

To insure you get diamonds of the finest clarity, buy loose diamonds first. This way, you can check on these diamonds with your own eyes. The jeweler should let you borrow their loupe or magnifier so that you can view them under 10 x magnification if asked. If they are hesitant to let you take a closer look, it's a red flag to look elsewhere.

Be careful when picking jewelry stores as well. One store may be offering dirt cheap sales, or limited period sales. Don't think about getting a bargain; you'll end up with paltry trinkets ten years later. Your priority should be getting diamonds of lasting value. You can find a quality diamond at a fair price, but you need to know your diamonds.

When shopping for diamond rings, you will want to assess the clarity of the diamond above anything else. Clarity is one of the main factors used in determining a diamond's monetary value. Don't look at jewelry stores at face value. To ensure you get diamonds of the highest clarity, get loose diamonds first. You can buy a good quality diamond at a reasonable price, if you take the time to learn about diamonds.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Diamond Jewelry Gifts: The Best Ring Settings

Diamond jewelry gifts are among the best presents that a person could give and receive. Although the value of gifts is not actually determined by their outside appearance rather from the sincerity of the one who gave such gifts, it cannot be overlooked that there are instances that we often take gratitude not only for the sincerity of the person but also the aesthetics of the gifts given to us. With these considerations, diamonds are articles that you could never go wrong with in terms of emotional and aesthetic value. Likewise, with their durability, they are the gifts that could never be forgotten even after years have passed by.

When purchasing diamond for gifts, it would be more viable to go for loose diamonds since they are not yet set to any piece of jewelry. Meaning to say, you have the opportunity to have them customized based from your preferred setting. Likewise, it would be easier for you to appraise the gems since you could actually see their overall features. One of the most crucial features that you should take into account upon appraising loose sparklers is the cut.

It is important to determine exactly what a cut means in reference to diamonds and how it differs from shape. Shape pertains to the outline perimeter of the gem, while the cut, which is also referred to as the stone's "make," significantly affect the gem's beauty and personality as it pertains to the stone's proportioning and overall finish, which are directly related to how the diamond produces fire""the lovely rainbows from within the diamond and brilliance, which is the liveliness and sparkle of the gem. Simply, a diamond with an excellent make is more expensive and valuable than a diamond with a poor cut. There are several cutting styles that one could use in order to produce high-quality diamonds; however, the round brilliant cut is probably the most popular and most preferred by many diamond enthusiast.

Round brilliant cut is the most conventional means of cutting diamonds and is regarded as the best at producing prismatic effect, which means its shape produces the most sparkle due to its ability to reflect the most light on the top of the diamond. Diamonds that have underwent this method displays greater brilliance compared to any other diamonds because there are no corners where light could hide. As such, the brilliance and fire of the diamond is visibly maximized to its full extent. Though new emerging shapes and cut compare favorably to round cut diamonds, this cut remains on the top of many jewelers.

Round brilliant cut diamonds are very flexible and could suit all types of jewelry settings. If you will be proposing using a round brilliant diamond ring, it pays to know what options you have when it comes to ring settings. Prong setting is the most common band setting where the diamond is held steadily in center position by four or six prongs of equal height, which in turn allows the gem to project outward. A pave setting is composed of lots of diamonds set closely together and are held in place by little gems to the metal setting, while a bezel setting contains a metal rim or collar that completely encircle the sides or just a portion of a single diamond, extending slightly above the edges of the gem.

Aside from the aforementioned settings, other noteworthy settings used for round brilliant loose diamonds include the channel setting, where diamonds of similar sizes are placed in a metal channel forming a row, and bar setting where diamonds are incorporated in grooves with metals to separate them from each other. Overall, diamond jewelry pieces are truly worthy to be called the perfect gifts because of their incomparable appeal and intrinsic value. Hence, if you wish to give the best for your loved one and proudly express to him or her how you feel, then diamond jewelry is always a good choice.

If you are searching for gifts that are truly worthy of your money, diamond jewelry gifts would be a good preference. Loose diamonds are becoming popular today because many jewelry makers are willing to design for individuals who wish to have unique jewelry pieces. For loose sparklers that could befit any jewelry setting, choose the ones that have round brilliant cut so as to maximize the fire and brilliance they produce.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Why Round Brilliant Cut Is the Most Preferred Cut For Diamonds

Since the ancient times, diamonds have captivated the interest of humans. They are the most admired ornaments that nature has given; they are things that symbolize beauty and forever. Among all the stones that our world holds, diamonds are the most preeminent and sought after. Whether they are loose diamonds or blood diamonds, one thing remains a fact, they will continuously captivate the attention of generations of people.

Because of our deep appreciation for diamonds, they emerged as permanent trinkets of jewelry during special occasions such as betrothals and weddings. Fine diamond rings and almost all diamond jewelry pieces have become valuable possessions that are in the same valued positions as that of real estate and artworks. Due to these, purchasing diamond pieces has turned into an endeavor that requires thorough understanding of the stones characteristics in order to make wise choices. Much has been discussed about the clarity, color and carat of diamonds, but little attention is given towards the value of diamond cutting.

Cut with an emphasis on diamonds, refers to the guide of style or design used to shape a diamond for polishing. This is totally different from shape as it relates to the symmetry, proportioning and polish of the diamond, which in turn affect how it produces brilliance and fire. The history of diamond cutting can be traced from as far back as the middle ages, and has since been innovated until today. Although many cutting styles have emerged and fall off along the way, the round brilliant cut remains as one of the most revered by jewelers and jewelry aficionados alike.

Round brilliant cut was first introduced in 1919 by Marcel Tolkowsky, Belgian diamond cutter. An engineer by profession, Tolkowsky developed this cut based from precise mathematical and empirical analysis that accounted the essence of brilliance and fire in diamonds. As an end result, a diamond cut this way contains 58 facets""33 on the top or crown, 25 at the bottom including the culet or the bottom point of the stone. Likewise, it yields two diamonds in one cut, one larger than the other; hence, very little diamond pieces are wasted.

If a round brilliant cut diamond is cut properly, its precise shape allows more light to reflect on the diamond in various angles, making the stone to become more brilliant and lively. Relative to its safe shape, diamonds cut in a round brilliant pattern are considered as best preferences in the aspects of "saleability," visual optics and insurability. Aside from the mentioned qualities, diamonds that are round brilliant in cut are also acknowledged for their flexibility to complement any forms of jewelry settings. Hence, it isn't surprising to know that about 75 percent of diamond jewelry sales are accounted to this type of cut.

If you intend to purchase loose diamonds that will be utilized to customize your chosen jewelry piece, it would be more appropriate to settle for pieces that are round brilliant in cut. With the outlined characteristics of such cut, you could definitely maximize not only the extrinsic features of your diamonds but also its saleability and insurability. Nonetheless, with its versatile nature, you will not have any trouble finding the right setting for your diamond jewelry. Simply, diamonds that are round brilliant in cut will surely give you a run for your money.

Loose diamonds are always appropriated for fine diamond rings and other fine jewelry pieces. This is because they give individuals the option to choose the setting that would befit their design preference. In order to further reinforce the beauty of loose sparkler, most jewelers would suggest that it would be more preferable to pick round brilliant cut diamonds since such cut is considered as the highest quality pattern that maximizes the brilliance and fire of diamonds to their full extent.

-Lorraine Jacobs

The Importance Of Round Brilliant Cut Diamonds

Among the four C's of diamonds cutting is probably the least understood and yet it has a significant impact on the cost of the said articles of fine jewelry. It should be noted that well cut diamonds could cost as much as 40 to 50 percent more than poorly cut sparklers. Hence, it is important that a prospective buyer should understand what cut is. With regards to diamonds, cut or make pertains to the overall symmetry, proportioning and finish of the stones that have direct impact on the levels of their fire and brilliance.

Basically, there are three general cutting techniques employed for fine jewelry diamonds: brilliant cut, step cut and mixed cut. A brilliant cut utilizes several facets that are usually triangular and kite in shape and are arranged in a particular manner to optimized the diamonds' brilliance. A step cut have fewer facets than that of the brilliant cut, commonly rectangular or trapezoid in shape and are arranged in a linear format. Meanwhile, a mixed cut makes use of combined elements from both the step and brilliant cutting styles.

Among the three mentioned cutting techniques though, the brilliant cut is the most preferred due to its ability to expose the maximum fire and brilliance of diamonds. But, when combined with the right shape, a brilliant cut sparkler will definitely show an imposing beauty and value that will endure the test of time. Even though there's a whole range of shapes that suit with brilliant cutting, it is probably the round shape that best complements it. As a matter of fact, round brilliant cut is the most famous shape that is closely identified with the mentioned cutting technique.

A round brilliant cut sparkler has 58 facets, 33 of which are located on the crown, 24 on the bottom, and one on the culet or point. Smaller round brilliant diamonds are called "full cut" to properly distinguish them from "single cut" stones that have 17 facets, and from "Swiss cut" diamonds that have 33 facets only. By now you're probably wondering, what is so special about this round brilliant diamonds? The answer is that since this shape has no corners it displays the most liveliness as it is capable of reflecting the most light that passes through the stones due to its perfect proportions.

Round brilliant cut is also acknowledged as the most favorite and "ideal" combination of cut and shape because of its versatile nature that could befit all sorts of jewelry pieces. Diamonds cut this way are most preferred for engagement and wedding rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings among others because they could be easily lined together regardless of the form of the jewelry. Nevertheless, they also go well with all known settings such as pave, prong, and bezel among others. Basically, this cut warrants functionality and versatility that other cutting styles could not produce.

As mentioned above there many ways on how diamonds are cut. What might be ideal for some may not be the choice of another. When choosing diamonds, regardless if they are loose diamonds or clarity enhanced diamonds, you should be the one to decide what type of cut you would like because the appearance of a sparkler with an ideal make would not actually appeal to you, and the diamonds without ideal proportions are sometimes receive the highest cut grade from GIA. The most important action that you could take is to compare diamonds of differing qualities and prices, as this is an efficient means to train your eyes to properly identify their differences when it comes to fire and brilliance as well as lifelessness and dullness.

When searching for fine jewelry diamonds it is important that you consider the cutting technique used for the sparklers as this greatly affect their ability to produce fire and brilliance. Round brilliant cut is probably the most promising cutting style employed on diamonds since it is capable of exposing the maximum brilliance of such stones. Regardless if you like loose or clarity enhanced diamonds, the round brilliant technique will surely make them more valuable.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Fine Jewelry And Its Salient Qualities

Is cut more important than clarity when appraising diamonds? You could spend hours pondering on the merits of one over the other. However, to get a definite answer, you need to understand the relationship between the two. More importantly, you'll need to mull over what you value in fine jewelry.

A diamond's cut refers to its external proportions, as well as the skill of cutting and polishing. Diamonds can be cut in such a way that it achieves its highest selling price, or maximizes its potential for brilliance. The clarity of diamonds, on the other hand, refers to the number of imperfections a diamond has. Fewer imperfections make a higher quality diamond, which will make it both more beautiful and expensive.

Clearly, the skill with which a diamond has been cut will impact its clarity. In the diamond cutting and polishing process, this is one of the few factors which can be controlled. Only the most precise craftsmanship can guarantee that a raw piece of diamond will be recut into fine jewelry.

On the other hand, the clarity of diamonds can be poor independent of the quality of the cut. Clarity is also reliant on the quality of the raw diamond. As a consumer, you need to be conscious of this and check any diamonds you want to buy under a microscope or loupe to find flaws yourself.

When you look at a round cut diamond, you'll realize how important it is to cut a diamond with a reasonable amount of skill. It will also become more obvious just how closely cut and clarity are connected to each other. Round cuts are famous for having the most potential for brilliance above all other cuts. Any mistakes in the cut or internal flaws, even minor, will decrease that potential considerably.

Do you want to buy fine jewelry? Do you prefer a diamond with the best cut, or the highest clarity? You cannot ignore either factor. However, you can look at the cut first, since it affects clarity, as well as carat weight. Prioritizing one of the four C's over the others is pointless, if you don't know enough about diamonds to start with.

A diamond's cut refers to its external proportions, as well as the skill of cutting and polishing. The clarity of diamonds, on the other hand, refers to the number of imperfections a diamond has. When you look at a round cut diamond, you'll realize how important it is to cut a diamond with a reasonable amount of skill. Only the most precise craftsmanship can guarantee that a raw piece of diamond will be recut into fine jewelry.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Loose Diamonds: Choosing Round Brilliant And Other Cuts

For most people, the only time they look for diamonds is when they want wedding or engagement rings. The smart way to go about this is to get loose diamonds first and have them set later. You can inspect them for defects better, and improve your chances of a good deal. However, you need to be cautious when buying. It's easy to make mistakes and give too much, or end up with an inferior diamond.

When looking at loose diamonds, you should confirm the diamond's value. You'll want to study each one for the four C's; carat weight, cut, clarity and color. But bear in mind that each diamond is unique, and it's rare for a single diamond to get two separate assessments with identical results. Ultimately, the value of a diamond is subjective, so you shouldn't be too preoccupied looking for it's exact value.

The pinnacle of all diamond cuts is the round brilliant cut. Thanks to the work of Marcel Tolkowsky, the proportions required to get the most brilliance and fire out of a diamond were verified and popularized. Further innovations refined Tolkowsky's measurements to optimize diamond's potential for brilliance.

The round brilliant cut is also the most enduringly popular cut. In contrast, the popularity of fancy cuts are dependent on prevailing trends. Since sparkle is trending, the heart, oval, and pear cuts are currently popular. However, the quality and value of a diamond relies on other factors. You can easily get a high value diamond of any cut - or low value, if you are not too careful.

So buy a diamond jewelry gift with the cut you prefer. It may be a shape that captures your or your significant other's interest, or one that elicits special memories or feelings within you. If all you want is a huge diamond, and you don't mind flaws, it's easy to get one for cheap. But even if you are buying cheap, you have to be careful with your purchases to avoid getting gypped.

When it comes time to set your loose diamond, it's sound to have it done by the same people who sold it to you. If you bring it to another jeweler, they won't want to be held responsible for any damage the diamond may incur during setting. If the seller won't guarantee their own diamonds, just forget them and look for a seller who does.

For most people, the only time they buy diamonds is to get engagement and wedding rings. The smart way to go about this is to find loose diamonds first and have them set later. The round brilliant cut is the perennial favorite diamond cut. The popularity of fancy cuts are dependent on prevailing trends. However, the quality and value of a diamond is dependent on other factors. So buy a diamond jewelry gift with the cut you prefer.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Diamond Heart Jewelry: A Special Kind Of Appeal

The round brilliant cut is looked as the gold standard for diamond cuts. Designed to maximize the potential of a diamond's brilliance, this cut is also known as the most uneconomical, with over half of the raw diamond discarded to get to this ideal shape. Not to say that diamonds should exclusively come in this shape only. In fact, the diversity of diamond cuts increases their overall desirability.

And diamond heart jewelry is as alluring as it gets. Heart cuts have a lot in common with the pear cut, but vary in height and width. The heart cut retains some brilliance found in the round brilliant cut, but also flaunts the diamond's other qualities, like clarity. Bear in mind that this shape was not invented casually. The heart cut is essentially the pear cut with a cleft added in.

Admittedly, diamond heart jewelry is not for everyone. Some people may feel that it is too juvenile to use in their wedding rings. Still, it is hard to dispute the romantic appeal of the heart shape. Since it is a relatively newer cut, there are less guidelines in making heart cut diamonds compared to round brilliant.

In comparison, with round brilliant cut diamonds, your primary concern really is just the brilliance of the piece. Diamond makers refined Tolkowsky's Ideal Cut, the original standard for the round cut. Thanks to breakthroughs in the science of refraction and manufacturing technology, they're able to utilize a raw diamond's potential to reach maximum brilliance.

It is imperative that you do a quality check before any purchase of diamond heart jewelry. Particularly, you need to check that it does not have any blemishes, cracks or other imperfections. Some imperfections are not distinguishable to the naked eye, but still affect the diamond's value. These imperfections do become evident under the microscope, and are considered when the finished diamond is graded and priced.

If you prefer to get more value for your investment, you should be on guard for enhanced diamonds. These are treatments performed on diamonds after they have been cut and polished, to eliminate these imperfections. Government regulations require that any enhancements be disclosed to potential buyers. These treatments diminish their value and are only performed on seriously flawed diamonds.

It is crucial that you do a quality check before you acquire any diamond heart jewelry. Specifically, you need to verify that it does not have any blemishes, cracks or other imperfections. With round brilliant cut diamonds, your primary interest is in the brilliance of the piece. IYou should keep watch for enhanced diamonds. These are treatments performed on diamonds after they have been cut and polished to eliminate these imperfections and reduce their value.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wedding Ring And Engagement Ring: Similarities And Differences

Bands have figured prominently in betrothal and marriages since prehistoric times. In fact, it would be hard to carry on an engagement and wedding without the presence of bands. Because of their long lingering presence, wedding ring and engagement ring are often confused with each other. But, it should be taken into account that though these jewelry pieces are commonly seen among married women, they profoundly differ from each other in many aspects.

In order to understand the difference between the wedding ring and engagement ring, let's start to look at their individual purposes. Basically, an engagement ring is purchased or given by the man to the woman as an indication of their engaged status. Wedding bands on the other hand, are exchanged by the couple on their wedding day to seal their wedding vows and signify that the wearers are united as husband and wife. After the ceremony and the years of their marriage, both the bands are worn by the woman on her left finger, while the man only wears the wedding ring since men are not accustomed to wear an engagement band.

Between wedding and engagement bands, many couples prefer investing on engagement bands. In fact, an engagement ring can be treated as the most attention-seeking between the two, as it is somehow symbolic of announcing the couple's status. Engagement bands traditionally have prominent center stones that are commonly constructed from fine diamond jewelry. At the moment however, couples need not to buy engagement bands that are accentuated with diamond stones, rather as a less expensive option they could use other precious stones such as ruby, sapphire, opal, etc., as the center stone of the engagement ring.

Meanwhile, wedding ring is far from the grandiosity that engagement ring usually exemplify as it is often plain in finish and does not have any accents, or sometimes it is designed after the engagement ring but is a simpler version of the first. However, couples could also use fine diamond jewelry for their wedding bands if they wish, though this isn't a usual practice as the plain appearance of the wedding ring is said to be resonant of the sanctity of marriage. The wedding and engagement bands are both worn on the left finger between the index and pinkie as tradition has it that the said finger holds the vein that is connected directly to the heart which is referred to as the vena mori. But, this is not always the case as there are cultures that place their wedding and engagement bands on the right hand.

Wedding and engagement bands are usually purchased separately from each other. They may also come as a set, which is why a wedding ring can also be as elaborate as the engagement ring. If you would be purchasing these bands separately, always try to consider that you would be using them on a daily basis, so when you are to pick each piece select the shape of the gemstone that would complement your lifestyle. Diamond may be hard, but it is most likely to chip off or break especially if its edges are pointed; it would be more appropriate to pick bands that have round brilliant cut stones embedded in them as they are more likely to last longer.

Overall, no other jewelry best represents engagement and marriage than the wedding ring and the engagement ring. They indeed have distinct qualities that sets them apart from each other. Regardless of their many differences though, it is undeniable that both of them are built upon the concept of representing undying love, as seen from the round finish of the bands and their material makeup. They also serve as material seals that strengthen the symbolism and sentimentality of devotion of the couples.

Wedding ring and engagement ring differ greatly in appearance and function. An engagement ring is worn prior to the marriage to denote the engaged status of the couple. Traditionally engagement ring has center piece that's of fine diamond jewelry with round brilliant cut. Meanwhile, wedding bands are the ones exchanged by couples during wedding ceremonies to seal their marriage vows. Such ring is usually a plain band or designed to match the theme of the engagement ring but is simpler.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Clarity Enhanced Diamond Basics

Diamonds are perhaps the commodities that most women around the world yearn to own. In fact, if you are a man who would like to make your woman immediately agree to your marriage proposal, you might want to give her fine jewelry that have diamonds in it. Of course, diamonds aren't cheap; just a piece could already cost you a fortune especially if you are rooting for the ones that are rare and have high quality features. However, if you really wish to cement your love with diamonds, you have the option to settle for pieces that are treated in some ways, which would only cost you a fraction of a flawless sparkler's price tag.

Clarity is one of the most valuable traits of a diamond that also serves as a determining factor to identify its real value. More often than not, untouched loose diamonds are expensive because their clarity have no imperfections, and their other C's are high in quality. However, there are also diamonds that are referred to as clarity enhanced sparklers found in the market today. Unlike expensive flawless diamonds, these sparklers have lower price tags because of the clarity manipulation carried out to make them visually appealing.

Clarity enhanced diamond is a diamond that had exemplify eye visible imperfections. This simply means that the said diamond had low clarity grade, and because no jewelry buyer would like to have a visibly imperfect diamond, its imperfections, that often affect the stone's clarity, are treated in order to make it more visually clear. After the treatment process, there are no apparent differences between enhanced and flawless diamonds. Such types of diamonds are also called "fracture filled diamonds."

There are different methods of enhancements to produce clarity enhanced diamond. The most common of which is drilling wherein a tiny hole is drilled into the diamond to remove minerals or elements that often causes discoloration. Drilling is performed with the use of laser that emits a beam capable of creating a neat hole directly towards where the inclusion is located. Once the drilling is done, the diamond is usually left with a small fracture, which is then covered with silicon or heavy glass that is hardly discernible to the naked eyes; such process is known as fractured filling.

If you are to buy a diamond, always remember that diamonds that have underwent augmentations aside from basic cutting, cleaning and polishing should be disclosed by the jeweler to the buyer as this is clearly indicated in the FTC rules. However, if you really want to make sure about the quality of your chosen diamond, ask the jeweler if you could have the diamond appraised by a different appraising firm. Always remember that a clarity enhanced diamond has no visual differences with a flawless diamond. Hence, the best course of action is for you to have it tested in order to know if your diamond choice has undergone treatments or not.

If you're a guy who's looking for a decent looking sparkler but you are a bit tight on budget, clarity enhanced sparkler is always a good consideration. Setting aside the clarity, if all the traits of the enhanced diamond are of premium quality and the diamond has a visually clean grade, don't let the idea of treatment hinder you from opting for this option. Similar to flawless diamonds, enhanced sparklers could also complement any form of fine jewelry pieces and are guaranteed to last for long. Thus, enhanced diamonds are good gemstones that could also definitely sweep your woman off her feet.

When it comes to gemstones, loose diamonds are the most preferred to be incorporated in fine jewelry pieces. It cannot be denied though, that diamonds are expensive, especially if you the ones that are flawless and exudes high quality grades. If you want inexpensive yet descent looking diamonds that are aesthetically at par with expensive diamonds, you may want to look at clarity enhanced diamond pieces. They are cost efficient but exemplify high quality aesthetics.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Loose Diamonds: The Round Brilliant And Other Cuts

Why buy loose diamonds? They're not exactly as practical as earrings and necklaces. You would not be able to carry them around with you anywhere you go. But diamonds have a beauty on their own that can't be compared to diamonds set in jewelry. They seem even more special when they are bought for their own sake.

Diamonds are available in a variety of designs, known in the trade as cuts. The most well-known of these is the round brilliant cut. Simply put, the round brilliant is the most well-known because it provides the most brilliance. The way it has been cut makes it reflects the most light. What most people don't know is that the shape of the round brilliant is the most wasteful. As much as half of the original diamond is left out when it is changed into a round brilliant. For this reason, diamonds are available in several other shapes as well, commonly known as fancy cuts.

Now some of the fancy cuts are already based on familiar designs, and will appeal to people even if they don't know much about diamonds. The heart and oval cuts are named after their shapes. The pear cut is often interpreted as an upside down teardrop.

On the other hand, how do you explain to people the differences between the Asscher and emerald cut, or the princess and radiant cut, when they all share the same rectangular shape? This is where we get a bit technical, but fortunately you don't have to dig that deep.

Emerald and Asscher cuts are both step cuts. Unlike the round brilliant, they are rectangular in shape, with each side bordered with small steps. Step cuts emphasize lustre and clarity over brilliance. The Asscher cut is the older of the two, and its proportions are less even.

The princess and radiant cuts comprise a third category, known as mixed cuts. They have more brilliance than step cuts, but are more cost-effective than brilliant cuts. The princess cut is almost as popular as the round brilliant, whereas the radiant cut has over 70 cuts.

When choosing loose diamonds, you need not be intimidated by technical knowledge. You can buy based on what cut you like. The jeweler, in turn, will narrow down your choices in terms of price and quality, and help find the best deal for you.

Diamonds are produced in a variety of designs, known in the trade as cuts. The way the round brilliant cut has been cut makes it reflects the most light. Step cuts accentuate lustre and clarity over brilliance. Mixed cuts evoke the brilliance of brilliant cuts, but are more practical to produce. When selecting loose diamonds, you need not be intimidated by technical knowledge. You can buy based on what cut you like.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fine Jewelry Forms And Functions

The visual appeal of fine jewelry has never failed to capture our attention. In fact, jewelry pieces have been objects that denote social status especially during ancient times. These pieces have played significant roles in shaping some of the most important traditions we know of. From necklaces and earrings, to rings and bracelets, these articles have long provided humans with personal satisfaction that no other objects could provide.

There are many kinds of fine jewelry pieces available. Some are worn as adornments, while others serve as symbolic tokens presented in different occasions. There are also pieces that are inexpensive and simple in finish, while other articles are very expensive and made from the finest materials. Some of the most popular and commonly used pieces would be discussed here to provide further understanding about their qualities and uses. Rings are perhaps the most common forms of ornamental jewelry. These jewelry pieces may come in the form of plain cylindrical bands as seen from wedding rings ornamented with precious stones like diamond heart setting, spiral or serpentine coils, signet rings, and open on one side. Rings have different functions but they are commonly used as symbolic tokens during engagements and weddings or just to accentuate the fingers. In the case of signet rings, these bands are employed to tote the emblems of fraternal orders or the insignias of certain organizations.

Another popular type of jewelry is the necklace which is worn around the neck. Generally, necklaces come in four different forms: close fitting collar band decorated with precious stones or beads, chain necklace with a pendant, raw of beads in graduating sizes set in a wire or chain, and strings of different lengths of necklaces worn on top of each other. Necklaces can be created from various materials but works well with metals, gemstones or the combination of two, and they are usually partnered with pendants made from gemstones with the diamond heart being one of the most sought after pendant design. Necklaces are worn best with open neck style dresses as the low neckline of the dress would direct the visual of attention of people towards the neck.

Meanwhile, earrings are jewelry pieces used for the ears that are either set on against the earlobes or are left dangling like pendants. The most favorite form of earrings set against the earlobe is the pair of pearls, while popular hanging drops are the ones referred to as chandelier earrings. Traditionally, the use of earrings requires ear piercings as the practice of wearing such jewelry was once regarded as a barbarous act. Today, earrings can be worn by means of clipping them to the ear, though the method of ear piercing is still practiced.

Another form of fine jewelry usually designated on the arm is the bracelet. Such large piece of ring-like jewelry can be in the form of closed band, spiral coil, open on one side, closed with clasp as well as flexible rings formed as links. Other than the outlined pieces, there are still many more jewelry pieces found in the market such as pins, cuff links, anklets, chains, brooches, and collar buttons. Overall, jewelry pieces comes in differing quality, sizes, design, price as well as functions; it is up to the owner where and when he or she intend to use these precious materials to gain satisfaction.

Fine jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings are commonly used as personal adornments. However, they can also be used to signify societal status, as a form of currency, symbolism as well as artistic display. They can be made from precious metals set with gemstones just like a diamond heart setting and may come in varying finishes depending on the wearers preference.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Diamond Jewelry Gifts Purchasing Tips

If you're a man, you're probably thinking of giving your bride-to-be a diamond ring and would like to ask her to marry you. The idea appears to be very simple; you'll go to your local jewelry store, buy a diamond ring worthy of her love, set a date and propose to her. Unfortunately though, this isn't always the case because when you see the price tag of your prospective sparkler, you might think twice before you actually get your hands on those sparkly diamond jewelry gifts. If you have the intention to purchase a diamond in the near future, it is important that you know the tricks of the trade for you to take charge of your transactions and get a run for your money.

According to gemologist and diamond expert, Fred Cuellar, there are four basic things that one has to remember when purchasing diamond jewelry gifts: budget, expectations, savvy and timetable. In terms of budget, you should try to figure out first how much you intend to spend on buying diamond, and you should stick to that budget outlay; a month's salary could already be a good starting point. As for expectations, it is advised for you to know and understand the needs and wants of the person to whom you're about to present the diamond; by doing this you would have a feel of what diamond type would be appropriate for that person. Being savvy is a good means for you to be updated about the cost of diamond pieces and the current trend in design; on the other hand, you should give yourself enough time to prepare for things including when to purchase and when to give the diamond and this is when setting a timetable becomes essential.

Now that you have a crash course about making diamond purchase, you should also know where to buy your sparklers. There are two options available for you to be able to secure your diamond jewelry gifts: go online or visit your local jewelry stores. Purchasing online is a practical means to buy diamond pieces without the need to drive far as the items you need are just a click away; however, there are two major drawbacks with this option: you can't personally appraise the diamond and you never really know whom you are dealing with; if you think this would work for you, make sure to do a background check first so that you can be assured that you know where your money would go. The second and probably the safest option is to buy on your local jewelry shop; aside from the fact that you could appraise the diamond, long time jewelers could also answer your questions which would assist you in making your purchasing decisions.

For the diamond, always consider the 4Cs""clarity, color, cut and carat, as these elements help determine the true value of such gemstone. Clarity is an indication of how clear the gemstone is and how free it is from blemishes or external imperfections and inclusions or internal imperfections. Every diamond is assigned with clarity grades that could go from flawless to obvious inclusions. There are also clarity enhanced diamond pieces that are treated to reduce imperfections through irradiation, filling imperfections, or laser drilling.

When it comes to color, diamond pieces are available in virtually all colors; however, colored sparklers are rare and truly expensive so chances are, the sparklers you would see during your shopping are either white or yellow in color but between the two, it would be better to go for whiter diamond pieces. This is because the yellow coloring of sparklers came from nitrogen which affect their sharp and sparkly features; hence, as a rule of thumb, the yellower the diamond, the cheaper it becomes. As for the cut, diamond pieces could be cut in wide variety of shapes such as round brilliant cut, marquise, box and more. The first thing to know is that more than the indication of shape, the cut of your diamond also determines how sparkly it can be.

It is never enough for a diamond to be clear and white, because your diamond will not sparkle unless it is cut properly. Cut is especially hard to analyze, it would be helpful to know its three primary characteristics: brilliance, fire and scintillation; however, to make things much easier, you may want to consider the round brilliant cut as this is the standard diamond cut. Finally, the carat is the standard weight unit of diamond. Majority of diamond pieces used for fine jewelry often weight one carat or less; this is because a fraction of a carat can make a big difference on the value of diamond.

If you intend to buy diamond jewelry gifts, chances are, you're having trouble with what to pick. Regardless if you want to buy a round brilliant cut diamond or clarity enhanced diamond, it is always advised to adhere to the BEST guideline which refers to budget, expectations, savvy and timetable. You should also consider the 4Cs of diamond which stands for carat, color, clarity and cut.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Diamond rings: Nothing says I love you like it

For people with cash to spare, it is but natural to put these funds into an investment that would give more value to their money.Keeping it in the bank just wouldn't do so putting it in assets like stocks, condominium units or land would be the logical step because this gives more power to their money in terms of interest.

Some would find assets like these irrelevant though so they would choose to spend their hard earned money in other more interesting and enjoyable possessions.And there is nothing more appropriate than to invest on their hobbies where they can directly enjoy money they have spent.

Some hobbies are also considered an investment because as time goes by they also increase in value just like luxury cars, fine jewelry and toys.Choosing the right toys and even the right jewelry, particularly gold or diamond rings is the key factor in getting the right investment hobby that would naturally appreciate in value as the years pass.

Toys are a good example of items that, when kept in mint condition, can actually sell for more than its original value, sometimes ten to twenty times the original.Fine jewelry is also a good choice for a luxury investment.Jewelry with diamonds like diamond rings and bracelets can definitely get more valuable as the years go by.

Another good thing with buying diamond rings or necklaces is the fact that you can readily share this as a very meaningful gift for a loved one.Diamonds pretty much last for a lifetime so it can be smart investment compared to other things like cars or houses that can depreciate as time takes its toll and cause mechanical or aesthetic problems.

In a nutshell, spending extra money on assets and investments is a smart thing to do as it should be dictated by the desired outcome as time progresses.While there are readily available investments means, it might be also ideal to explore other avenues that not only gives more value to an investor's money but also entertain and feeds their hobby or interests.

Spending on investments can help give more value to your money over the years. Houses and Lots are some of the usual investments people can invest on. But there are some who like to spend on items that are not only a wise investment but also an ideal source of happiness or interest like fine jewelry or luxury cars. Diamond rings is one good investment since it can last for a long time and naturally gets more expensive over time.

-Lorraine Jacobs